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    1X & NiSi 每月月赛—《Marco微距》评选结果公布,让我们一起看看获奖作品:


    《My personal dream》


    By Dragana Trajkovic.

    Heidi Westum:This image captivated me from the first moment, and although it was hard to decide there was never any doubt that this photo was one of the favorites. I think this is a very nice macro scene in good coordinated colors. The composition is good and the rain adds something extra.

    Heidi Westum:第一次看这张照片就被深深吸引了,毫无疑问这张照片是我最喜欢的。我认为在配色上这是一幅很好的宏观微距照片。这幅作品中的雨给作品增添了额外的意境。


    《Mantis in yellow》


    By Raffaella Coreggioli.

    Heidi Westum:This is also a very harmonious and well-image. The colors match well and it is interesting to see how well it is camouflaged. good sharpness and with a fine and diffuse background that highlights the subject well.

    Heidi Westum:这是一张和谐有趣的照片,螳螂很好的伪装在花瓣上,清晰度与模糊背景的结合更加突出了出题。




    By Katrin Benary.

    Heidi Westum:I think this is a very beautiful and evocative image. I really like the use of the limited depth of field that is helping to bring the good mood. Also think it is well composed.

    Heidi Westum:我认为这是一张非常美丽的和令人回味的照片,这种有一定距离的景深拍摄能给我带来好心情。


    By Dusan Beno.

    By Louis-Philippe Provost.

    By Andi Halil.

    By Edoardo Gobattoni.

    By Javier Rupérez Bermejo.

    By Martineb.

    By Thierry Dufour.

    By Fabiola Amidei

    图片/《Marco》获奖作品 编辑/Suellen

