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  Monday, Sep 28, 2009

  马德里的市民聚集在市中心广场支持其城市申办2016年奥运,最终巴西里约热内卢胜出。摄影师:Emilio Naranjo

  Madrid residents rallied Sunday in support of the city’s bid to host the 2016 Olympics.

『Time』一周摄影图片精选:Sep 28 - Oct 09,2009

  Thursday, Oct 08, 2009

  一名女性代表用自己的方式来展示其对保守党领袖David Cameron的支持。摄影师:Christopher Furlong

  A delegate showed who she supported as she walked to hear Conservative Party leader David Cameron speak at the party’s conference in Manchester, England, Thursday.

『Time』一周摄影图片精选:Sep 28 - Oct 09,2009

  Thursday, Oct 01, 2009

  海啸袭击后,一栋仅剩厕所的房屋。摄影师:Time Wimbourne

  A toilet was all that remained Thursday of a home in the tsunami-destroyed village of Lalomanu on Samoa’s southern coast. (Tim Wimbourne/Reuters)

『Time』一周摄影图片精选:Sep 28 - Oct 09,2009

  Thursday, Oct 01, 2009

  韩国建军节上的伞兵空降表演,Gyeryong,韩国。摄影师:Lee Jin-man

  South Korean soldiers parachuted down during the 61st anniversary of Armed Forces Day in Gyeryong, South Korea, Thursday.

『Time』一周摄影图片精选:Sep 28 - Oct 09,2009

  Wednesday, Oct 07, 2009

  洪都拉斯前总统Manuel Zelaya的支持者在国立自治大学前的示威中纵火抗议。摄影师:Mauricio Lima

  Supporters of ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya lit a fire at a demonstration at the main entrance of Autonomous National University in Tegucigalpa on Wednesday.

『Time』一周摄影图片精选:Sep 28 - Oct 09,2009

  Monday, Sep 28, 2009

  洪都拉斯前总统的支持者在抗议示威后坐在一块岩石上休息。摄影师:Rodrigo Abd

『Time』一周摄影图片精选:Sep 28 - Oct 09,2009
