Great white egret fishing for prey, Florida
This great white egret had been standing still for what seemed like an eternity before it finally plunged at its prey. The next couple of frames show it with its trophy bait fish. Shot at J. N. "Ding" Darling NWR, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Images From the 2008 International Photo Contest.
摄影者:Sara Lopez
抓鱼的大白鹭 ,佛罗里达州
这只大白鹭在把脖子突然插进水里抓鱼之前静静地站了很久很久。接下来的几张照片则让我们看到它和它那抓来用作诱饵的鱼。这张照片是在佛罗里达州三尼贝岛的J,N “DING"darling国家野生动物保护区拍摄的。